Monday, July 17, 2006

Camp is up and running

Camp started today and it was a grand success. We had about 15 serbian children come and they were mixed amoung the albanian children. The kids are older this year 12-14 yo so they seem to warm up to the leaders quickly During the course of the morning they had english class learning the basics "hello how are you? I am fine. My name is ______. I am ___ years old. after that they had games helping them work together as a team They had a snack and then made a craft to take home. I was amazed at how smoothly the day went and how much the kids truly enjoyed the interaction with each other as well as the leaders. Art and I went to the market and walked around it was quite crowded they only have it once a week so everyone does there shopping then. We were able to go and visit Akmed and Habib which are friends of Mark and Trish. Akmed was explaining how poor this culture is and how all the young people are leaving and goin to Europe. I was burdened for him and his family as he explained how things have gone downhill since the war As I sat and listened to this man I began to truly realize that these people are so much poorer than they think They have no hope. They have no one to put there hope in. These people are truly lost and confused. They desperately need our Father to touch their lives to tear down the lies and fill their lives with truth I am brought to tears at the very thought of a life without hope and I pray that our Father will mightly move through this land in a way that they will all fall to their knees in submission.

We miss you all terribly and would love to hear from you all. I am feeling much more home sick than I thought I would and Lord willing will be home to see you all soon.

Art and Melodye


Blogger Michael Touchton said...

I love you guys and Im praying for you.

2:54 PM  

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